Choosing Sub-directories and Files Settings
To select exactly which folders and files you want to include in your profile, click the "Choose sub-directories and files" button. By default all files and sub-folders (with the exception of some folders and files you wouldn't want to copy, e.g. your swap file) are included.
The tree displayed is similar to the one used in Windows Explorer. You can collapse and expand the folders to see the files and folders within. A folder or file with a tick next to it is included in the profile.
When all the files and child folders in a folder will be included in the profile the folders colour will be solid yellow. If any files or child folders are not included then the folder will be half yellow. Note that in some cases it is not known if all files and child folders are included until the folder has been fully expanded.
On the right of the tree are two columns: New Files and New Folders. These options let you decide on whether the profile should include any new files or folders that are created within that folder. By default all new files & folders are included. If a folder is not ticked then no files or folders will be included in the profile.
As an example: you may have a folder in which you only want two specific files included and no other files or folders. You would tick those two files and untick all the other files and sub-folders. Then you would change the folder settings to ignore new files and folders. This way even if a new file is created in that folder it will be ignored, and so will any new sub-folders.
· | Roll-out: If you click the bar (with the + sign at the left) at the top of the window then a number of options appear: |
· | Show files: This allows you to show or hide files in the tree. |
· | Show files and folders that do not exist: You may have previously selected a file and/or folder to include in your backup. However, that file or folder may no longer exist, e.g. it has been deleted. In this case it will still appear in the tree but will be highlighted in red. If this option is unticked then those non-existent files and folders will be hidden. You can permanently remove them by clicking the Clean up button or ticking the Clean up automatically option. |
· | Clean up automatically: Files or folders that do not exist will be automatically removed from the tree. You can manually remove them by clicking the Clean up button. |
· | Do not display file icons: To improve performance you can have file icons not displayed. |
· | Clean up: Files or folders that do not exist will be removed from the tree if this button is clicked. Files and folders that do not exist are highlighted in red. |
· | Change filter: Clicking this button displays the filter window. This lets you choose which types of files to include or exclude, and also choose which folders to include or exclude based on their name. See the Filter Settings section for more information. |
If you right-click on the tree then a pop-up menu appears with a number of options. These options apply to the selections you have made in the tree:
· | Tick selected: All the items selected in the tree will be ticked. |
· | Untick selected: All the items selected in the tree will be unticked. |
· | Collapse all: All the folders in the tree will be collapsed. |
· | Collapse selected: All the selected folders in the tree will be collapsed. |
· | Exclude folders with this name: Folders with the same name as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (folders not to copy) list. |
· | Exclude files with this name: Files with the same filename as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (files not to copy) list. |
· | Exclude files with this extension: Files with the same filename extension as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (files not to copy) list. |
· | Include folders with this name: Folders with the same name as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (folders to copy) list. |
· | Include files with this name: Files with the same filename as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (files to copy) list. |
· | Include files with this extension: Files with the same filename extension as the ones you've selected in the tree will be added to the filters (files to copy) list. |
· | Ignore new files: Any new files created in the selected folders will be ignored. |
· | Include new files: Any new files created in the selected folders will be included in the profile |
· | Ignore new folders: Any new sub-folders created in the selected folders will be ignored. |
· | Include new folders: Any new sub-folders created in the selected folders will be included in the profile. |
You can select multiple items in the tree by clicking the mouse and using the Shift and Ctrl keys.
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